Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dishcloth day

A lightbulb came on yesterday that the tool I needed for cleaning out my cast iron pots was a hand-knit dishcloth. So I whipped one up last night out of some ecru Peaches & Cream. Every once and awhile I do make a little something for myself (or my kitchen). I also finished a felted pouch and posted it today in my store. The flower on it is a Japanese Anemone flower. I am also working on a bowl that will have similar flowers in it. Should be done tomorrow if all goes well.


Shannon said...

Love the pouch! What kind of yarn do you use to stitch the pink flower? What technique do you use?

I am half way finished with the 10 stitch blue scarf for Josh!! It's going much faster these days and looks much better than my first disaster scarf!

Colorado Knitter said...

I knew it would get easier for you:-)
The flower is roving applied through needle-felting just like my other items. Next knitting group I will bring my kit again and give a demo. also give you a chance to try it out.