Friday, February 29, 2008

Chris and Her Alpacas

I was running a few days behind and then Blogger was acting up on Friday, or was it Tursday? Anyway, Saturday the temperature made it up to 70 degrees so we HAD to go hiking and Sunday it snowed and maybe made it up to 30 degrees but my hubby was on the computer getting much needed homework done. So here I am.
Last Wednesday - back in Good ol' February, Seamus, my Mom and I went to visit our good friend Chris and her Alpacas at Birdsong Ranch. Chris is actually moving and is relocating all of her animals to new homes (she had over 25 Alpacas at one time!). We wanted to visit one more time before she sent the last few on. The One she has in the halter is named Star Girl. The two little boys are Captain Jack Sparrow and Harris Tweed. Alpacas are such amazing and intelligent creatures. Thanks for letting us visit Chris!

Also, Chris commissioned a smaller Forget-Me-Not bowl for a friend. I have posted a couple of pictures of that including a shot of the bottom so you can see my new labels. I ordered them from Sugar Plum Baby on Etsy. She was marvelous to work with and the labels are absolutely gorgeous!


Everyday Yogini said...

LOVE the tags, Gretchen!

The bowl, as usual, is breathtaking! Can you feel the waves of envy emanating from across the ocean? I wish I had your talent...

Shannon said...

Beautiful bowls, beautiful (and professional) labels!

chelsea said...

Darling bowl! Love the wrap around from outside to in-clever! I have never met an alpaca. Weird!

Alpaca Granny said...

I do love to visit other alpaca farms.