Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Featured Etsy Seller: Beanpicklesprout

Today's feature is about Amy over at Beanpicklesprout. She is also a resident of Colorado Springs and when I first found her on Etsy I think I scared her a little with my excitement to meet up sometime in person but I just knew we would be fast friends. It was true! Here is a excerpt of her Etsy bio:

I am married to my best friend. I have three small children who I love and learn from every day. Many people ask how I came up with a store name of "BeanPickleSprout." To answer that question Bean is my 6 year old son, Pickle is my 4 year old daughter and Sprout is my one year old son. I am not sure how they all ended up being nicknamed after veggies but it sure worked out for me!

I create in much of my free time, basketball season and football season are my favorite times. My husband watches the game while I sew and neither of us feel neglected :) I have a thousand ideas run through my head every day so hopefully in time I can create them all for you to see.

I love Amy's designs and her craftsmanship goes above and beyond. It is very important for her to send her creations out in the world knowing they are made with solid construction. I am hoping to have a whole collection of her potholders soon and I have been gifting her bibs and burpcloths out left and right.

The Giveaway:
Amy is donating a potholder or baby bib of the winner's choosing. How do you win it? Go on over to Beanpicklesprout and look around. Then comment here about something you like in her store. I will draw a winner on Monday September 29th.


silverhartgirl said...

I love the Blue Bird Pot Holder

Mama Bear said...

You weren't kidding Gretchen she does have some super cute stuff! I love the elephant in the circles bib. I can see I have to be getting some of these for little Noah!

KittenBritches said...

Howdy friend!
I must say all of her bibs are fabu but the new giraffes are the VERY BEST!

Everyday Yogini said...

What darling things!!! Almost as wonderful as YOUR stuff, G!! I adore the potholders- every single one of them! But I especially liked the bird in the green dots!

Unknown said...

PL Mama said: I just love the Little Birdie things-in fact I bought the scarf with birdie earlier. Very wellmade and just precious!

GreenStyleMom said...

I love the potholders!! I like the Two Trees one that is green and orange.

Molly said...

I LOVE the bird onesies and bibs. What a great eye for combining patterns with totally cute animals! I must order something!

chelsea said...

Pretty much impossible to pick a favorite. My little sister, I recently discovered, is going to have a baby next May. So as much as I want to be selfish and pick a favorite red and white potholder & dishtowel set, I am going to say Hedgie on the Dots bib is mighty cutie.

Great shop, sweet giveaway!