Saturday, November 21, 2009

Red Bowls Red Bowls

I learned to crochet finally! I won't agree quite yet that it is speedier than knitting since knitting is old hat for me but I do enjoy the different movement and the neat texture I seem to be getting from it. So here for your viewing enjoyment are the two newest additions to my Etsy store. The first is a crocheted tray with a group of needle-felted Anemone flowers in the bottom. This tray is incredibly sturdy and has a basket-like texture to it. The second is one of my signature Skeleton Key Pocket Bowls - I found a picture of this strange key with 2 small holes and couldn't resist replicating it.


Anonymous said...

I love the key one. :) Very cool!

Jennie :)

Colorado Knitter said...

Thanks Jennie!