Monday, December 6, 2010

And the Winner is...

Marie Green! Thanks to everyone for entering. I used a random number generator and it came up with miss Marie. She has chosen the purple and brown coffee cuff. Please check out her blog if you get a chance: lifeinatinytown.


GreenStyleMom said...

I always like it when someone I like wins!!

Marie Green said...

I was sent to this giveaway by GreenStyle Mom, so thank you! Both of you! I still can't believe I won!

Split Rock Ranch said...

Congratulations Marie!

Marie Green said...

Gretchen, I got my cozie the other day and I LOVE IT. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Thank you so much for having the giveaway, and thanks for mailing it to me so promptly. I wish I could nobly tell you that I'm giving it to someone special for Christmas, but I'm not. It's mine. MINE ALL MINE!

(Did I mention I love it??)