Monday, January 21, 2008

Busy Bee

My whole reluctance of starting a blog was that  I would spend even more time clicking the keys of my computer and not clicking my needles. However, the call of Valentine's day is hitting and I have received some special orders. My personal favorites are the red and pink beer cozies. I will post pictures as I get things done.  These projects are definitely keeping me occupied and have not left me a great deal of time to devote to Blogging.
In the meantime, I wanted to also mention that I am always looking for feedback and ideas of things you would like to see me make. It can be anything from a color combination to a wild dream you had that would make a neat  theme. I know what I like, but what do you like? It is always good to have a fresh viewpoint.

Thanks! and so many thanks for all the wonderful feedback and comments thus-far~


Shannon said...

Check out this CUTE little crochet beret on Posie Gets Cozy:

Sounds like she's going to post the pattern..Could you knit a beret and felt it possibly? This would be SO cool! I want one! Maybe you can teach me how to get started...

Colorado Knitter said...

Shannon~ I have seen patterns for knit berets and possibly felted too. I will look and see what i can find.