Friday, July 4, 2008

10 miles and a Thunderstorm

It used to be that practically every afternoon in July on the front range of Colorado we get thunderstorms that build over the mountains and then roll out onto the plains. At least that is what I remember. Yesterday the boy went to Grandma's and we headed out early in the AM to do a 10 mile hike up to 10,600 feet into an area that feels far removed from the city except when you happen to pass by the mouth of a canyon and hear a train whistle. So, why did I mention thunderstorms? We had to cut our hike short because we watched a baby cloud blossom into a lightning packed adult cloud that caused us enough worry to jog the last 2 miles out of the canyon. It was worth it sore calves, blisters and all. Here is the hubby and I with Pikes Peak in the background and also a couple of my newest listings on Etsy my Single Shining Star Bowl and one of the choices from my Choose your own Coffee Cuff listing. Thanks for looking!

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